Business System, Operations, and Team
- Does your inbox feel like a coffin?
- Feeling stuck?
- Trapped under email and paperwork?
- Caught up in a spiral of busywork and emergencies?
- Is your staff holding you hostage to their agendas?
- Do your employees suck up your time and energy instead of giving you the freedom to pursue your goals?
- What were those goals anyway???
You need help!
You need to get Unstuck – and with a Brand Launcher ReLaunch, you can get guidance on major (and minor) business decisions. Expert recommendations on effectively working with customers, employees, contractors, and vendors. A clear vision of where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there. Unbiased feedback on critical issues holding you back—and clear direction on how to get moving again.
Stop what you're NOT doing—and get UnStuck.
"Well, in our country," said Alice, still panting a little, "you'd generally get to somewhere else—if you ran very fast for a long time, as we've been doing."
"A slow sort of country!" said the Queen. "Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!"
Lewis Carroll, "Through the Looking Glass"
Are you doing more—and getting less done? Is your business a well-oiled machine... spinning its wheels at breakneck speed—and getting nowhere?
Get traction—and get moving—with the help of Brand Launcher Management Mentors.
Finances and Cash Management
Many small businesses are moving product or selling services—but still losing money. Brand Launcher can help you assess cash problems and solutions. You need to increase profit margins, or reduce returns. You need to improve sales, or lower Costs of Goods Sold (COGS). You need to enhance relations with your vendors, or shore up weak service with your customers. You need to obtain capital, or you need help with a turnaround. We can help address all of these—and more.
Hiring and Training
As your business grows, hiring and managing employees becomes a bigger and bigger part of your role. But many business owners struggle with employee headaches, staff infighting, and day-to-day management issues. It's not easy being the captain of a ship… especially when everyone thinks you're taking advantage of them.
Does your business hire the right people for the right positions? Do you have smart, hands-on training that coaches employees on reaching their potential? Does your team have clear instruction and powerful direction?
Or is your business filled with misunderstandings, aggravation, and daily variations on "the Blame Game?"
You need proven processes to motivate and unify your team. And you need a Mentor to facilitate communication, break negative patterns, and get everyone moving together.
Teamwork and Motivation
In many small business, morale is low, excuses are common, and it's "every man for himself." Perhaps you've tried to rally the troops with brute force or a rallying cry. But threats and pep-talks are only so effective.
There's a science behind motivating your team to act like a team. And no, it's not all about how much you pay them. In fact, when used correctly, non-financial incentives can be exponentially more powerful than straight cash awards.
It's all about the process. Brand Launcher's exclusive Recognition, Communication, Motivation, and Promotion (RCM&P) system can turn mutineers into champions.
Customer Satisfaction
It hurts to admit, but sometimes, your products, your services, or your customer experience need improvement. But often, it's hard to decipher what the problem really is.
Brand Launcher Mentors will guide you on listening to your customers. Really listening.
When you really listen to the messages your customers are sending to you, what you'll learn will surprise you. And when your customers talk to you, and you listen, they will buy from you – loyally.
Business Systems
A business is a "system of systems." So if the individual parts of your business are running without order, then the result is going to look like chaos.
This is where our "process makes perfect" formula is gold. Taking a business from a haphazard mess to a smoothly-functioning machine takes time—but it can be done. And we can help you make it happen.
Your Mentor will guide you through Brand Launcher's exclusive system of "Simplify, Codify, Multiply." When you do something well—you make cabinets, you build pools, you provide IT consulting—you can learn to take your successful technique and turn it into a process.
Simplify: Break the processes down into small, discrete steps.
Codify: Create a manual. Take your "code" and preserve in a form that can be retrieved, reviewed, and reused for training or expansion.
Multiply: Hire, delegate, or outsource to multiply your own singular ability to do what you do best.
In this way, you turn your skill into a system. An organized, enjoyable, profitable system that works for you and everyone else in the business.
As the leader of your business, you make the decisions. But how are those decisions made? Do you know what's really going on in your business? Do you have a firm grip on the numbers?
Nobody can be the perfect CEO, COO, CMO, and CFO all at the same time. But if you're like many other small-to-midsized businesses, you're filling multiple roles, some better than others.
Your Brand Launcher Mentor can help you function better as a business owner, and as the leader of your team. You need to make crucial decisions, and we can help you make the right ones. Let your Mentor guide you in short-term and long-term planning. Both are critical—and the value of an expert Mentor at your side is immense.