Start marketing like you mean it! If you want to stop chasing prospects and shift to having them chase you, then this 3-month program is for you. We’ll help you explore and define your target audience, identify what they don’t know (but wish they did), and position you as The Expert.
Upon completion of this program, you will walk away with your own e-book, landing page, and auto-responder series working for you and your business.
A Brand Launcher marketing expert will walk you through the steps below, bringing in the necessary resources along the way to Get It Done. Here’s how it works:
Step 1 - Targeting Your Market
- Develop a profile for your Hungry Fish
Step 2 - Crafting Your Message
- Define the Irresistible Bait for your prospects
- Develop a clear and resonant POOBA (Promise Of an Overt Benefit Always)
- Pinpoint your Big Zig, what makes you dramatically different
- Incorporate a Reason to Believe such as testimonials, demonstrations, or affiliations
- Hone in on the Emotion of your prospects
- Determine if Scarcity & Urgency are appropriate to overcome procrastination
- Decide if and how to use a guarantee as Risk Reversal
Step 3 - Becoming the Trusted Expert
Start with a Brain Dump, using a brainstorming process to prepare for publishing. We will then utilize the right resources to provide you with:
- E-book - your ideas and message will be transformed into a ghostwritten e-book
- E-book Title - you’ll select a catchy and appealing title based on our proven formulas
- E-book cover - you’ll receive a professionally designed cover
- URL Selection - you’ll choose the best domain for your landing page (hosting not included)
- Landing Page - your “opt in” site offering your e-book and delivering automated follow-up
- Marketing Emails - series of autoresponder emails to nurture prospects who opt-in, first in a “flurry,” then less frequently -- but all automatically! (autoresponder not included)
Step 4 - Using your Vendor-to-Expert Package
Your Brand Launcher marketing expert will spend a limited amount of time helping you think through using your ebook, landing page, and email series as a marketing tool such as:
- Marketing to your existing in-house list
- Seminars or webinars with trade groups or associations
- Articles or blogs in relevant publications
- Social media and other marketing activities
Following your launch, you may be a candidate for Brand Launcher’s Master Mentorship program.
Silver |
3 months |
Gold |
4 months |
Platinum |
6 months |